A resume is a one-page summary of your skills, education, and work experience. You will present your resume to potential employers. You must spend time creating, proofreading, editing, and perfecting your resume to make yourself stand out from other job candidates.


A strong resume is the key that will open the door to good jobs. Don’t cheat yourself; work hard on it. Employers often receive hundreds of resumes for a single position. They do not have time to closely read every word on each resume. This increases the importance of the smallest details.


Your resume should be the best representation of you and your skills. Here are some tips to create a good resume:


  • Make it concise, factual, and positive, listing your education, employment history, and accomplishments.
  • Make sure your resume is perfect and ask someone to proofread it for you. It only takes one error in spelling, punctuation, or grammar to cause an employer to stop reading.
  • Limit your resume to one page.
  • One-inch margins around the page and blank lines between sections will make the text easier to read. Use a 10-point font size minimum.
  • Highlight skills and abilities appropriate to the position.


Below is a sample resume:

